So common, but so unknown that they deserve specific channels of disclosure so that more people can identify themselves.

Modern life has even caused some subtler problems in the ears that are not yet as famous as hearing loss. But as the community is identifying with these problems, soon they will be more popular than deafness.

Increasing exposure to noise, whether for fun, for work or simply for the hectic life of big cities, has changed the way the ears react to the sounds and has made them more sensitive.

The demand of people at doctors’ offices complaining about intolerance to sounds has increased greatly. Currently I see at least one person a day who is uncomfortable with the volume of voice of people talking, TV, traffic, food court in shopping malls, dog barking etc. This is the typical case of HYPERACUSIS, which is intolerance to the volume of sounds.

Although loud sounds are expected to upset people more than low one, Hyperacusis patients feel bothered with sounds before the expected intensity of 95 decibels (dB). A normal conversation reaches about 60-65dB. People with most severe cases of Hyperacusis feel discomfort when they hear sounds of 40-50dB, which practically makes a professional or social life unfeasible.

It is also common to receive young patients bothered with low, but repetitive sounds such as people chewing their meals or chewing gum, sniffing nose, bullet paper, popcorn or salty paper the movies, finger drumming, pen click, slipper dragging etc. Unlike the other patients, these young people have a strong anger reaction when they hear these sounds and some even become aggressive. For them, it is not enough to turn down the volume of the sound, they have to stop it. This is the MISOPHONIA or Selective Sound Sensitivity Syndrome, also known as 4S.
Together or separated, they can be enlivened with different treatments, but they should be personalized on a case-by-case basis: medications, sound therapy with low intensity sounds, cognitive behavioral therapy and lots of information. Understanding the problem is half the way for those who do not know what they have.
The SOS Misophonia ( helps to understand a little more about this recent and devastating disease, in addition to alerting another individual ‘anonymously’ (be it in the school or professional environment) that the noise produced brings a great deal of uncomfortable.

Tinnitus: although many people think that there is no treatment for tinnitus, several patients have improvement and also some have even reached the cure. It is necessary to analyze complete information about the patient, beyond the ear, such as the work routine, eating habits – the intake of fats, caffeine and sweets -, use of medications, listening habits to music, among others.

O Instituto Ganz Sanchez disponibiliza um material GRATUITO e de qualidade para ajudar quem sofre com zumbido e hipersensibilidades auditivas (misofonia e hiperacusia) e também os seus familiares.

Esse material inclui vídeos e posts sobre curiosidades, aulas, dicas, depoimentos da pesquisa de cura do zumbido e lives do G.A.N.Z. (Grupo de Apoio Nacional a pessoas com Zumbido).

Ele está disponível nos seguintes canais:

  • Instagram @dra.tanitganzsanchez: aqui as lives ao vivo ocorrem aos domingos às 17h17.
  • - Tanit Ganz Sanchez
  • TV Zumbido
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    Se você prefere informação focada em sua necessidade, disponibilizamos nossos produtos:

  • O treinamento online “ABCZ DO ZUMBIDO” é dinâmico e direto ao ponto. Os três módulos “Entendendo o Zumbido”, “Investigando o Zumbido” e “Tratando o Zumbido” ajudam tanto o público que sofre quanto os profissionais que os atendem.
  • O livro “QUEM DISSE QUE ZUMBIDO NÃO TEM CURA?” é leitura fácil e rápida com informações de qualidade. Você pode adquirir a versão impressa pelo nosso site ou o e-book para ler no Kindle, computador, tablet e celular.

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